MDWA Honorees

Making Democracy Work Award Honoree:
Kayla Blanchard, Alamogordo, NM

Kayla Blanchard is the Otero County coordinator of the non-partisan initiative Vot-ER: Promoting Practices, Policies, and Systems that Support Voter Participation and Public Health.  Vot-ER is a national non-partisan initiative to advance voter registration and voter participation.

Making Democracy Work Award Honoree:
Robyn Holmes, Alamogordo, NM

Robyn Holmes gave 34 years of service to Otero County residents as County Clerk and Deputy County Clerk.  She retired from the position in December 2024.  During her tenure, she ensured that voter practices were secure and said fair elections are the bedrock of our democracy.

Making Democracy Work Award Honoree:
Mary Carter, Anthony, NM

Selected in 2022 for the Making Democracy Work Award was Mary Carter,  Executive Director of the Women’s Intercultural Center in Anthony, NM. Under her leadership, Ms. Carter implemented a Citizenship Program to educate, empower and help people with a variety of needs.  She has taught classes at the Center for English- and-Spanish-speaking adults who have lived in the U.S. for 15 or more years and wanted to prepare for the citizenship exam and interview to become naturalized U.S. citizens.

Making Democracy Work Award Honorees:
Jamie Patterson, Josie Miller and Jamey Rickman

The award winners in 2021 were Jamie Patterson and Josie Miller, content specialists from Las Cruces Public Schools, along with Jamey Rickman, the former City of Las Cruces Community Engagement Manager (2021 Award). The three were instrumental in the success of the project “Know Your Local Government” which involved area high school students in research, discussions and presentations about government, policy and civic engagement.